Turn on the spotlight and hold up the mirror in front of Copperas Cove. Not every source of news in Copperas Cove is reliable. "Those who forget history are bound to repeat it"
Saturday, December 29, 2018
Sunday, December 23, 2018
Twelve Days of Christmas, Curmudgeon Style
A great time for a singalong. Here's a little ditty I compiled for the occasion!
Please sing it aloud and enjoy.
On the first day of Christmas, the council gave to me
Please sing it aloud and enjoy.
On the first day of Christmas, the council gave to me
A meeting agenda so long everyone fell asleep.
On the second day of Christmas, the council gave to me
5 |
2 silly ordinances
On the third day of Christmas, the council gave to me
On the fourth day of Christmas, the council gave to me
4 TUMS for Manning
On the fifth day of Christmas, the council gave to me
On the sixth day of Christmas, the council gave to me
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Nonprofits aren't holding events in the city because of this! |
6 Cranky water customers
On the seventh day of Christmas, the council gave to me
On the eighth day of Christmas, the council gave to me
8 traffic cones for Charlie
On the ninth day of Christmas, the council gave to me
9 post turtles!
On the tenth day of Christmas, the council gave to me
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For the love of Mike, get the man a tie!! Traffic cone for Charlie! |
On the eleventh day of Christmas, the council gave to me
11 feral hogs
On the twelfth day of Christmas, the council gave to me
12 deer in the city
Okay, dear readers. It has been quite the year with all the ongoing shenanigans of the Copperas Cove city council.
If you click on any of the links above you'll be redirected to other posts, which are some of my faves.
Still puzzled over the recall, and Curmudgeon has it on good word that Councilman Charlie Youngs is showing some continued ax-grinding behavior.
Not that it's enough for a recall, because trolling people on Facebook isn't quite illegal....
Enough for now.
Merry Christmas, dear readers, and may you be happy and healthy in the coming year.
More than 27,000 page views of this blog in 2018. Thanks to you all.
Monday, December 10, 2018
Curmudgeon’s Christmas wishes
Curmudgeon fell off the face of the earth for a while. No, just
busy, is all.
By now you, dear readers, have seen the results of the
election and one more race yet to be decided on Dec. 11 – wow, that is today/tomorrow, depending on when you read this .
If you have not voted, I hope you do before the polls close.
Curmudgeon knows the race between Frank Seffrood and Azeita
Taylor was pretty close on election day, about 300 votes. Acfalle, as Curmudgeon
predicted, did not make a significant dent in the voting numbers. HOWEVER, how
many of the votes he received might have gone to either Seffrood or Taylor? We shall see.
What's more important? One candidate's health or another candidate's ethics?
A little more than one-third of the votes that have come in
so far were mail-in ballots. Curmudgeon would venture to guess the majority of
those went to Seffrood. I think the odds favor him over Taylor, but slightly. In
the end, it will be who shows up to vote in a runoff. Which, in Copperas Cove, historically
runoffs have low numbers.
Curmudgeon is going to guess that perhaps 100 voters, tops,
will venture out on Tuesday. (Note: it is 10 p.m. on Monday evening as I type
Now, before you hear MY Christmas wishes, I’ll play Santa
and bestow a few gifts on the Copperas Cove city council members.
For newbie Joann Courtland, I give a set of hand grips on
her place on the dais. Hang on, it’s going to be quite a ride!
For Fred Chavez, a squeegee mop, to wipe all the bullshit
away that some of his council cronies will try to spread. Dig for the truth,
Fred, and not protect special interest, members-only groups.
For Dapper Dan Yancey – a tie, what else??!! Red tie, of
course. For wearing so it shows up on TV better and also for leading the way in
the Christmas parade.
Jay Manning? He gets TUMs, Zantac, his pick. To prevent heartburn.
Kirby Lack gets a nice leather jacket. He’s a good guy and
likes his bikes. Leather protects you from road rash on the road, and leather jacket
will protect him from getting chafed by the other council members on either
side of him
Marc Payne gets, ah, three free explanation cards. Only three,
for one year. When asking for explanations during a meeting, choose wisely.
Otherwise we end up with five-hour council meetings.
Charlie Youngs. Now, Sorry-Charlie gets cones – giant,
orange traffic cones, to put out on Business
190 wherever he wishes. I found one, at Krist Kindl Markt! See photo. And maybe
a few concrete barricades, just for ha-has. NO! I’m kidding. He gets coal. Out of
all of the council, he ASSumes everyone knows where “the old EDC building” is for
voting. Did you hear him at the beginning of the December 4 meeting? If you are
truly in touch with the citizens whom you claim to represent, you will not
ASSume EVERYONE KNOWS where the “old EDC building” is. Clearly, he is slanted
to be speaking only to people who know the inner workings of Copperas Cove, and
not ALL voters. #notmycouncilman
Not sure why Sorry-Charlie was wearing a suit for that
meeting instead of his traditional track suit while sucking down his gelato. You
can dress it up, but what’s inside is still inside. A man who speaks only to
the cronies and good old boys, and leaves the “regular” public out of the loop.
Again, a man with an axe to grind is not good in office. Curmudgeon
is seriously baffled as to why NO ONE has attempted a recall on the man due to
his incompetence and gross lack of regard for ethics and the rules.
Let’s move on to the Dec. 4 meeting and the FATHOM discussion.
So, the city is looking at moving back into the old utility admin
building, but Ryan Haverlah said the cost to get the building back up to speed
is about $40,000.
Sorry-Charlie said that divided among the city’s water
meters, $40,000 would be $2.66 per meter.
Ummmm….what are you saying, sir?
The CUSTOMERS should each chip in $2.66 to fix this mess?
Um, no. I hope the voters and citizens and customers stream
in and raise holy hell about that one.
We have NO option as water customers in Copperas Cove.
Why should WE be saddled with paying that $40,000? That’s a
load of bull.
Then add that 40-grand to the at least 70-grand it will cost
to hire new utility employees?
Ah, the Water & Sewer fund needs to fix that, and not
the people.
What about that loan made to Endeavor? Let’s use some of
that repayment with interest for taking care of the utility building and hiring
those people. Isn’t Endeavor supposed to be paying the city back for that $3
million it borrowed from the Water & Sewer fund? Does anyone remember that?
And nope, Curmudgeon isn’t making that up.
Now, Christmas gifts are in order for our two departed
councilmen, David Morris and James Pierce Jr. Mr. Morris gets that drink I promised
him along with a piece of pavement from Business 190 once construction starts,
to remind him of the hard work he put in and that he has made an impact on the
city. Also, Mr. Pierce…hmm…he gets a megaphone. Because he is off council, it
does not mean that he does not have a voice. Perhaps he will take a cue from Mr.
Russell and speak up and make sure this council toes the line.
What does Curmudgeon want for Christmas? True progress in
our city. For Firefly Aerospace to come on in and set up shop. We have a nice piece of property here, ready and waiting. Location, location, location! We need you. Despite the silliness that goes on, on
council, there’s a plethora of individuals who have good sense and are ready to
work hard and not protect special interest groups (as Charlie Youngs does,
currying favor with the chamber of commerce – again, why should a members-only
club get special benefits from the city and resources that the rest of us must
pay for???).
We have a good lineup of city employees, a smashing library, small
businesses which are booming, two great colleges on our doorstep with a ready
workforce nearby, and a low cost of living compared to other areas. Copperas
Cove is THE spot to set up shop.
Merry Christmas! Curmudgeon will try to post at least once
more before the end of the year – 26,630 page views since January, dear readers.
Thank you. Love me, hate me, don’t ignore me.
P.S. Did anyone notice a high school football playoff game
in Bulldawg Stadium on December 1?
Nope, neither did I. A cryin’ shame the HOT Bowl
moved to Waco, with all of those out-of-town dollars getting absorbed by
another city and school district willing to play nice for the benefit of ALL. A
pity, really.
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