Tuesday, June 5, 2018

This ‘n that: Or, feet draggin’ by the council?

 Top o’ the mornin’ to you, dear readers!

So, tonight is yet another meeting in the continuing saga that is the Copperas Cove city council. (cue dramatic organ music)

 Yet again, the subject of hiring a new city manager is on the agenda.

Long story as short as possible, the council already has RFQ (request for qualifications) from two firms that can hunt down a new city manager for Copperas Cove.

What, it’s only been almost four months since She Who Shall Not Be Named has left us, and we’re NO closer to having a new city manager.

Y’all, the process can be long, but the current foot draggin’ by the council has cost us four months already.

I ask you, dear Copperas Cove city council: What's wrong with these two firms? Are they not qualified? Do you think they won't come up with some quality candidates? It's not like the city manager pool is a huge one. 

Or is there some kind of backroom pissing contest going on because y'all can't get things in gear for the sake of those who elected you? Would that Curmudgeon was a fly on the wall in that board room!

C'mon, already!! 

We need the new blood and fresh air from this individual, whomever he or she will be, to keep the boat that is Copperas Cove moving again, since the council is paddling in all directions and Interim Ryan is doing the best he can. But his job is split. Normally he oversees budget – it’s that time of year, y’all – but other things for operations have been claiming his time.

Anyhoo, for whatever reason, the council did not vote on either one of these firms last meeting, but kicked the decision down the road again. Methinks they need to discuss this in open forum because to an outsider, all it looks like is foot-draggin’. Give us a REAL reason why you’re not picking one of these firms.You the council owe us citizens that much.

Curmudgeon received an interesting email (from either a fan or a rock thrower – insert a grin here – I’m jokin’, I don’t know who they are or what they think about the council or me), asking what would stop the median project if the money has been spent already, and also how voters could make a recall happen.

Here’s a blast from the past about recall – (I still don’t know why Dapper Dan hasn’t had things pop up, questioning his own blatant interference in city operations.) It was reported in local media that at least one councilman contacted the executive temp agency firm about an interim candidate, and it was namely Dapper Dan!

Read here:

Here’s another blast from the past about our future city manager – change things, but don’t change too much! Read here:

Something else to mull over before I let you go: 
It’s been SIX YEARS since our old city hall on the corner of Robertson and Main Street has been closed. SIX YEARS and nothing has happened to that building. Other than it being storage for stuff. Ummmm…city council, that’s a prime hunk of real estate for you to do nothing with for SIX YEARS.

But enough about that for now. C’mon, guys. You can do better than this.

How many days is it until the next election, Sorry-Charlie Youngs? 
Some of us need to know, for any possible recall.  Here's to you, Ms. Jenny Eclair!
Curmudgeon Out.

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