Monday, June 11, 2018

Another word from our sponsor

Since January 2018, Copperas Cove Curmudgeon Speaks has had more than 15,000 page views.

I hear the question again, who is Cove Curmudgeon?

Well, here I am: 
This is as close to a selfie as I could find!

Just kidding, y'all!

Please, look at the message instead of me, the messenger. I know, we can't help it. But Curmudgeon presents documents and asks you to watch the meetings. Listen to what is being said, and what is not being said.

Curmudgeon wants you to ask yourself:

Is the message you hear from me true – even if it is an uncomfortable truth?
Is the message verifiable? Does someone have the paperwork to back it up, not hearsay? I present paperwork and documents culled from the city's own website and the city council agendas and records, information available to ALL.

Nor, am I an "anonymous shark."

The letters he refers to are some anonymous letters which have been mailed out regarding CCISD administration and spending habits. There are no supporting documents to back up these letters' claims, unlike what I present to you, dear readers. :)

If I had to be a creature of the sea, I'd rather be a barracuda. At least they have a song.

But then, there's this. Thank you, Sir!

Yes, sir, there is indeed such a thing as reprisal. If an individual stands before the council or a school board, I can guarantee you that the identity of whoever that individual is will "color" the message and how it is received by the council, or the school board. A board, a council, and/or their "fans" will automatically dismiss anything said, EVEN IF IT IS TRUE -- because of the speaker.

On example: Ya say you don't believe me, when in my last post I said how Sorry-Charlie Youngs feels about David Morris and James Pierce? Just ask him. He'll be brutally honest, although he probably hates Mr. Morris 10 times more than Pierce. I can appreciate the man's directness. He'll let you know right where he stands. (But watch those swing votes - he can be pretty slick! Butter won't melt in his mouth.)

Anyway, we as people "pooh pooh" people's claims and information, depending on who that person is. If we know and like them, we are more apt to believe them. I'm just asking y'all to watch and see and pay attention.

Okay - back to the post at hand.

More about Curmudeon:
Curmudgeon cares about Copperas Cove, its rough spots and all.
Curmudgeon has been here a long time.
Curmudgeon looks at details found in city records and meetings, and also looks at the big-picture.
Curmudgeon looks at history.
Curmudgeon wants people to stop and think, and look at the message and its contents instead of the messenger.
Curmudgeon has no agenda, is not anyone’s “side.” Curmudgeon will call out council “favorites” too.

Curmudgeon’s burning question:
Curmudgeon’s biggest question of the moment is, not will the Business 190 project go through, but if the already approved - and mostly spent - median design funding of almost $700,000 or so is NOT on the 2018 certificate of obligation bonds (i.e., city loans for the current year), how will the city make up its deficit in the budget for the next year?

Because that more than $700,000 to $1 million is coming from somewhere, y’all. The BSP fellas seem awfully nice, but they’re not donating their time and expertise.

The city has to make up that money somewhere in the upcoming budget. And, Curmudgeon suggests you, dear readers, watch for it to come up in the budget discussions for the general fund - if the city council does not approve that design funding as part of the certificates of obligation bonds for 2018 and we will be looking at a shortfall that must be made up. It's a serious problem.

Wafflin’ by the Copperas Cove city council will cost this city more than $700,000 and the median’s final design hasn’t event happened yet - If the council “kills” this project, the city’s already in the hole anyway.

How ya like them waffles?

Is Curmudgeon saying we still need to go through with the Business 190 median project?

Not sure if that is a rhetorical question to our residents, all of whom are psychic engineers (see my other post about that)!

Again, Curmudgeon shines the spotlight and lifts up the mirror to show what the city has already spent and how the council is a-wafflin’.Collectively, its actions and lack of action during 2018 have been embarrassing.

We need more information to go on for this project – the Engineer hasn’t event come up with what’s called “probable cost” yet.
"And now, back to your regularly scheduled program."

Peace, love, and bunnies, y'all.

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