Sunday, December 23, 2018

Twelve Days of Christmas, Curmudgeon Style

A great time for a singalong. Here's a little ditty I compiled for the occasion!

Please sing it aloud and enjoy.

On the first day of Christmas, the council gave to me
A meeting agenda so long everyone fell asleep.

On the second day of Christmas, the council gave to me 
2 silly ordinances

On the third day of Christmas, the council gave to me

On the fourth day of Christmas, the council gave to me
4 TUMS for Manning

On the fifth day of Christmas, the council gave to me

On the sixth day of Christmas, the council gave to me
Nonprofits aren't holding events in the city because of this!
6 Cranky water customers

On the seventh day of Christmas, the council gave to me

On the eighth day of Christmas, the council gave to me
8 traffic cones for Charlie

On the ninth day of Christmas, the council gave to me

On the tenth day of Christmas, the council gave to me

For the love of Mike, get the man a tie!!
Traffic cone for Charlie!
On the eleventh day of Christmas, the council gave to me
11 feral hogs

On the twelfth day of Christmas, the council gave to me
12 deer in the city 

Okay, dear readers. It has been quite the year with all the ongoing shenanigans of the Copperas Cove city council. 

If you click on any of the links above you'll be redirected to other posts, which are some of my faves. 

Still puzzled over the recall, and Curmudgeon has it on good word that Councilman Charlie Youngs is showing some continued ax-grinding behavior. 
Not that it's enough for a recall, because trolling people on Facebook isn't quite illegal.... 

Enough for now.
Merry Christmas, dear readers, and may you be happy and healthy in the coming year.

More than 27,000 page views of this blog in 2018. Thanks to you all. 

Monday, December 10, 2018

Curmudgeon’s Christmas wishes

Curmudgeon fell off the face of the earth for a while. No, just busy, is all.

By now you, dear readers, have seen the results of the election and one more race yet to be decided on Dec. 11 – wow, that is today/tomorrow, depending on when you read this . If you have not voted, I hope you do before the polls close.

Curmudgeon knows the race between Frank Seffrood and Azeita Taylor was pretty close on election day, about 300 votes. Acfalle, as Curmudgeon predicted, did not make a significant dent in the voting numbers. HOWEVER, how many of the votes he received might have gone to either Seffrood or Taylor? We shall see.

What's more important? One candidate's health or another candidate's ethics?

A little more than one-third of the votes that have come in so far were mail-in ballots. Curmudgeon would venture to guess the majority of those went to Seffrood. I think the odds favor him over Taylor, but slightly. In the end, it will be who shows up to vote in a runoff. Which, in Copperas Cove, historically runoffs have low numbers.

Curmudgeon is going to guess that perhaps 100 voters, tops, will venture out on Tuesday. (Note: it is 10 p.m. on Monday evening as I type this.)

Now, before you hear MY Christmas wishes, I’ll play Santa and bestow a few gifts on the Copperas Cove city council members.

For newbie Joann Courtland, I give a set of hand grips on her place on the dais. Hang on, it’s going to be quite a ride!

For Fred Chavez, a squeegee mop, to wipe all the bullshit away that some of his council cronies will try to spread. Dig for the truth, Fred, and not protect special interest, members-only groups.

For Dapper Dan Yancey – a tie, what else??!! Red tie, of course. For wearing so it shows up on TV better and also for leading the way in the Christmas parade.

Jay Manning? He gets TUMs, Zantac, his pick. To prevent heartburn.

Kirby Lack gets a nice leather jacket. He’s a good guy and likes his bikes. Leather protects you from road rash on the road, and leather jacket will protect him from getting chafed by the other council members on either side of him

Marc Payne gets, ah, three free explanation cards. Only three, for one year. When asking for explanations during a meeting, choose wisely. Otherwise we end up with five-hour council meetings.

Charlie Youngs. Now, Sorry-Charlie gets cones – giant, orange traffic cones, to put out on Business
190 wherever he wishes. I found one, at Krist Kindl Markt! See photo. And maybe a few concrete barricades, just for ha-has. NO! I’m kidding. He gets coal. Out of all of the council, he ASSumes everyone knows where “the old EDC building” is for voting. Did you hear him at the beginning of the December 4 meeting? If you are truly in touch with the citizens whom you claim to represent, you will not ASSume EVERYONE KNOWS where the “old EDC building” is. Clearly, he is slanted to be speaking only to people who know the inner workings of Copperas Cove, and not ALL voters. #notmycouncilman

Not sure why Sorry-Charlie was wearing a suit for that meeting instead of his traditional track suit while sucking down his gelato. You can dress it up, but what’s inside is still inside. A man who speaks only to the cronies and good old boys, and leaves the “regular” public out of the loop.

Again, a man with an axe to grind is not good in office. Curmudgeon is seriously baffled as to why NO ONE has attempted a recall on the man due to his incompetence and gross lack of regard for ethics and the rules.

Let’s move on to the Dec. 4 meeting and the FATHOM discussion.

So, the city is looking at moving back into the old utility admin building, but Ryan Haverlah said the cost to get the building back up to speed is about $40,000.

Sorry-Charlie said that divided among the city’s water meters, $40,000 would be $2.66 per meter.

Ummmm….what are you saying, sir?

The CUSTOMERS should each chip in $2.66 to fix this mess?

Um, no. I hope the voters and citizens and customers stream in and raise holy hell about that one.


We have NO option as water customers in Copperas Cove.

Why should WE be saddled with paying that $40,000? That’s a load of bull.

Then add that 40-grand to the at least 70-grand it will cost to hire new utility employees?

Ah, the Water & Sewer fund needs to fix that, and not the people.

What about that loan made to Endeavor? Let’s use some of that repayment with interest for taking care of the utility building and hiring those people. Isn’t Endeavor supposed to be paying the city back for that $3 million it borrowed from the Water & Sewer fund? Does anyone remember that? And nope, Curmudgeon isn’t making that up.

Now, Christmas gifts are in order for our two departed councilmen, David Morris and James Pierce Jr. Mr. Morris gets that drink I promised him along with a piece of pavement from Business 190 once construction starts, to remind him of the hard work he put in and that he has made an impact on the city. Also, Mr. Pierce…hmm…he gets a megaphone. Because he is off council, it does not mean that he does not have a voice. Perhaps he will take a cue from Mr. Russell and speak up and make sure this council toes the line.  

What does Curmudgeon want for Christmas? True progress in our city. For Firefly Aerospace to come on in and set up shop. We have a nice piece of property here, ready and waiting. Location, location, location! We need you. Despite the silliness that goes on, on council, there’s a plethora of individuals who have good sense and are ready to work hard and not protect special interest groups (as Charlie Youngs does, currying favor with the chamber of commerce – again, why should a members-only club get special benefits from the city and resources that the rest of us must pay for???). 

We have a good lineup of city employees, a smashing library, small businesses which are booming, two great colleges on our doorstep with a ready workforce nearby, and a low cost of living compared to other areas. Copperas Cove is THE spot to set up shop.

Merry Christmas! Curmudgeon will try to post at least once more before the end of the year – 26,630 page views since January, dear readers. Thank you. Love me, hate me, don’t ignore me.

P.S. Did anyone notice a high school football playoff game in Bulldawg Stadium on December 1? 

Nope, neither did I. A cryin’ shame the HOT Bowl moved to Waco, with all of those out-of-town dollars getting absorbed by another city and school district willing to play nice for the benefit of ALL. A pity, really.

Sunday, November 4, 2018

Happy Election Eve-Eve

Howdy, dear readers! Are y'all as excited about Tuesday as I am? Happy Election Eve-Eve!!!!

Let’s get this out of the way, first, before we talk elections.

Disclaimer: The Curmudgeon is in no way affiliated with the individual calling themselves the “Cove Guardian.” The “Cove Guardian” sends out correspondences to selected individuals in the community.

One, Curmudgeon is too cheap to spend the bucks on stamps and printing and all that rot, and would rather sit at the keyboard with documents and such. Who has the time to dig up addresses, etc.? Not CC.

Two, Curmudgeon is too busy chuckling at the Copperas Cove city council’s antics to focus on all the CCISD “stuff” such as it is. The council is far more entertaining. Also, anyone who knows Mrs. Manning knows she does not have a maid (wink, wink).

Three, Curmudgeon doesn’t make stuff up other than nicknames for the council members – Dapper Dan (love those ties, dude), Sorry-Charlie (who has violated the city charter at least once – oops, as has DD Yancey), Marky-E-Marc Payne (befuddled and bewildered), David “I’m-a-writer-not-a-talker” Morris, James “I was for it before I was against it” Pierce Jr. Hmmm….Curmudgeon realizes the only two without nicknames are Frank Seffrood and Kirby Lack. Maybe Mr. Seffrood should be “What item are we on?” Seffrood and Mr. Lack should be the Right Reverend.

Anyhoo, Curmudgeon digresses. (Although the Guardian’s little note and comments about CCISD board of trustees members having access to the track facilities is a bit interesting. Is it true? Can it be proven? When will the district open up the track to the community? Is using the track a “thing of value” that has been provided to these board members? Is that legal, when doing so could be construed as privileges given to them and not the rest of the community? Interesting questions.

Again, not Curmudgeon’s fish to fry, or steak to grill.

Okie-dokie, dear readers, it’s election eve-eve, and Tuesday is THE big day in Copperas Cove.
Curmudgeon has called it before that there would be a face returning to the political realm (enter Fred Chavez, with Copperas Cove EDC board experience, who has reentered the public political realm after some years’ absence).

Also, that there would be a dark horse candidate – possibly someone new (enter Joann Courtland, of Operation Stand Down Central Texas and military veteran/former pilot).

There is one three-way race and Curmudgeon believes there will be a runoff election, as odds would have it. Unless there is a resounding clamoring against Frank Seffrood, who as the head of the KTMPO policy board, voted with the rest of the board to support the changes to the Business 190 median project. Note: this is not a dig against the Postman….hmm, that may work for a nickname…because the rest of the board voted unanimously to support the changes. ‘Nuff about that for now.

Let’s look at Place 1 race: 
Not much to say other than Curmudgeon can GUARANTEE a woman will be filling the spot that Mr. Morris is vacating upon his term expiring (Curmudgeon still owes him that drink after his bright, shining moment, one of the best, right actions by the council this year). See my other post, if you don't remember: 

Cheryl Meredith has prior council experience, which is a plus and a minus, depending on how you look at it. There is a lot to understand in city government, and if Curmudgeon hears one more time, “Why don’t we just spend the Business 190 median money on _____ (fill in the blank)?”, Curmudgeon will faceplant on the keyboard. When government is involved, you can’t just spend money any way you want to. 

There is a gross lack of knowledge among the majority of the general populace, which is easily cured if people really want to know real facts and search them out. Sure, it would be “super-dee-duper” to divert funds to other projects, BUT you can’t spend state and federal fuel tax dollars on anything else. 

Ms. Meredith, one would assume, knows the ins and outs of government operations going by the fact she has already served two terms on council. 

(BUT, then you have Sorry-Charlie who loves to spiel about  when he used to be on the council, but for whatever reason, couldn’t file his campaign paperwork on time and then was FINED $500 by the Texas Ethics Commission for failing to do so. OH, and he violated the Texas Open Meetings Act by replying all to an email that was sent from a citizen, thereby creating a walking quorum….so, there’s that.) 

As far as Ms. Courtland is concerned, one would hope that she is a quick study and as smart as she looks running her nonprofit. Whoever wins the Place 1 election, Curmudgeon feels like it is a win-win either way. This one is too close to call.

Place 2: Now here’s where it gets a little dicey. Incumbent James Pierce Jr. has his hardcore fan club of a quartet of ladies who have torches and pitchforks for everyone and anyone who didn’t vote against the median. However, Mr. Pierce DID vote  in favor of the agreement with FATHOM, and FINALLY started listening to the people crowing the closer the election came. Question: WHY didn’t anyone start listening until now? Clearly, the city was bilked by this inept company. 

So, Mr. Pierce's FAB FOUR LADIES (Loe, Furey, Deans, Moore) are trumpeting all over social media in his favor because he voted against the median. Is that reason enough to keep him in office? We don’t always get what we want? Does “listening” to the people mean we give people what they want? Just askin’.

Enter Mr. Fred Chavez. He’s pro-EDC. Isn’t it funny, the number of SEATED councilmen who USED TO BE on the EDC board? Manning, Youngs, Yancey, and Payne. Wowee, kazowee! 

Mr. Chavez has used kumbaya wordage, of “let’s all get working together again.” Which sounds super-dee-duper. It really does. Sure. Let’s get the City of Copperas Cove, the Copperas Cove Chamber of Commerce, the Copperas Cove Economic Development Corporation, and the Copperas Cove Independent School District working together again. Go team! Okay, tryin’ not to sound a bit snarky on this part.

Where did it all go wrong? Where did the tension start? It started in 2015-2016, when council members wanted to start calling groups like the CCEDC and the Chamber of Commerce to be ACCOUNTABLE. Sure, let’s work together. But let’s be ACCOUNTABLE to who FUNDS YOU with PUBLIC MONEY, CCEDC and Chamber of Commerce (at that time).

Not to reopen any scabbed over perceived wounds, but there were council members who began questioning the EDC’s budget:

WHY were EDC employees getting raises when City of Copperas Cove employees not getting raises, or at least not as significant as the EDC?

WHY did the EDC spend close to $500,000 over the years to the Heart of Texas Defense Alliance, for reports that have not differed, even though over the past three years the City of Copperas Cove has chipped in far less than the $50,000 per YEAR which was paid to the high-balling military/political consulting firm?

The same happened over on the Chamber of Commerce side of the table, when there were city council members who began questioning the chamber on how it spent its hotel occupancy tax funds:

Where are the receipts and invoices for how the money was spent? An easy question to answer, if your books are in order. 

This was the biggest question asked, repeatedly, by at least one council member, to the point that the chamber president stepped down from her job in spring 2016 and there has not been a seated, official chamber president since that time, but a series of interims? 

It took one interim chamber president slaving away day and night for about two weeks or so to get everything together to present to the council. And then, the toxic infighting drove a good leader away from the job.

Please remember, dear readers, in the grand scheme of things, the Copperas Cove Economic Development Corporation and the Copperas Cove Chamber of Commerce are NOT EQUALS at the table with the City of Copperas Cove.

The CCEDC is a voter-approved organization which is funded by SALES TAX DOLLARS and seeks economic development opportunities for the City of Copperas Cove and an EDC, in some way, shape or form, has been singing the same song for more than 20 years with nearly ZERO primary jobs to show for it!!! The voters approved 3/8-cent of sales tax dollars to go to the EDC. It is a valuable commodity but only when operated correctly. 

But the CCEDC is NOT equal to the city. Its board members are citizens appointed by the city council.  

The Copperas Cove Chamber of Commerce is a “nonprofit” organization that is made up of PAYING BUSINESS MEMBERS. The Chamber does NOT represent ALL businesses in Copperas Cove only those who PAY THEIR DUES. It is a members-only club which is as only as effective as its programs, which for YEARS had been so caught up in races and in bicycling and worshipping the all-holy-rabbit-fest that it lost sight of the BUSINESS COMMUNITY. 

Breaking ties with getting hotel occupancy tax funding was the BEST THING that could have happened to the chamber to get it back on track.

All that said, Mr. Chavez has high hopes that groups can work together. But that does not mean that groups like the EDC and chamber should get carte blanche. 

Nor should the chamber get special privileges that other organizations DO NOT get, privileges which this CURRENT SEATED COUNCIL has bestowed upon them. (Let’s look again at the crying military affairs committee who is still SO UPSET that they can’t grill steaks nor afford the civic center, but other PBULIC PURPOSE groups are shut out of the civic center rental. Again, working together does NOT mean not holding groups accountable….)

All that about Place 2 and Curmudgeon believes, like with Place 1, the race is a little too close to call at this point. It is a tossup. Mr. Pierce has brought his “A” game campaigning, but then again, Mr. Chavez is not an unknown among the voting core of the city.

Okay, take a break. Curmudgeon has thrown a lot of stuff out there, not fecal matter from male cattle, but stuff. Go potty. Get a drink. Come back to me, Dear Readers.

Stretch break over? Okay, continuing on….

The Mayoral Race:

Odds are that there will be a runoff. Can the Postman Seffrood pull off a second term? Perhaps there are some who think he needs to sit out a bit, despite his call for volunteerism and talk of the value of community. 

That would leave Joe Acfalle and Azeita Taylor. Mr. Acfalle is – ta da!! – a current member of the CCEDC board. Curmudgeon senses a theme here. What is it that EDC board members know that the rest of us don’t? Anyhoo, Mr. Acfalle has a strong local following already, but that did NOT seem to help him in the race for Coryell County district clerk, when he received 159 votes in the March 2018 primary in a four-way race that had 4,683 voters. Will more Copperas Cove voters turn out for him than they did for the March primary? Unless he has drummed up more support, odds are not in his favor to move on to the runoff. So far, more than 10,000 voters have turned out in the county to vote? How many from Copperas Cove, so far? We'll see....

Lastly but of course not least-ly, Ms. Taylor has stayed out of the political realm officially since her last run in 2015. 

However, she hasn’t been out of it altogether, building up her following via the chamber of commerce people (all hail the holy Rabbit Fest, without which we would have ZERO sales tax dollars in May and therefore the chamber gets to use a city facility for FREEEEEE, but all us peons must pay full price. Just sayin’, an unapologetic snark leak here.). Also, she has beefed up her education in homeland security and emergency response, and has likely earned some votes from those on that side of the voting realm -- that is, if they believe in her ability to lead

Curmudgeon believes it will come down to a runoff between Ms. Taylor and Mr. Seffrood. 

HOWEVER, in all races, it all comes down to who shows up to vote. 

Let’s talk current members and election numbers: There are rumblings of a recall, which Curmudgeon will write about another time. Mr. Pierce is safe from that, should he get reelected. He has said that if he wins, this will be his final term in office. Forever. He wants lifetime term limits for all positions – two terms only, and that’s it. Curmudgeon gets and understands Mr. Pierce’s wanting to roust the GOBC’s hold on the city (as in, Good Old Boys Club). Until enough people care and seek to be well informed, the GOBC or whoever is in “charge” and their cronies will keep showing up. In the 2015 election runoff between councilman Morris and Azeita Taylor, a mere  22 votes separating them, 278 to 256. So fewer than 600 voters from among thousands decided one council seat, a pivotal one at that.

What’s Curmudgeon’s closing point? Vote y’all. Vote. Vote informed. Vote smart. Don’t vote like your friends. Vote with your brain, not with your buddy.

See ya on the flip side. Or, who knows where Curmudgeon will pop up?

Y'all are fab, by the way... more than 25,000 page views since January! Wow!