He doen't belong up there.
He didn’t get up there by himself
He didn’t get up there by himself
He doesn’t
have any idea of what to do while he’s up there
elevated beyond his ability to function
And you
wonder who could have thought it was a good idea (to put him up there ) in the
first place.
Last time, (See http://copperascovecurmudgeon.blogspot.com/2018/07/post-turtles.html) I wasn’t so quick to jump into the Post
Turtle commentary regarding Place 6 councilman Mark-E-Marc Payne. Place 7 councilman
Sorry-Charlie Youngs had me busy enough.
Welp, Mark-E-Marc didn’t disappoint during the Tuesday July 31 special Copperas Cove city council meeting, with the property tax record vote.
Payne had no clue what was being voted on, nor why. He was just
bound ‘n determined to lower the tax rate so the city would have to figure out
where to cut at least $134,000 from the proposed budget.
Here’s the setup: the council was to take a “record vote”,
which means they each go “on record” and vote one by one to propose a
particular tax rate.
This didn’t mean it was decided Tuesday night. There are
legal notices which must be issued to the public about the property tax rate,
and the rate will be officially decided in September.
BUT, Mark-E-Marc, clearly, didn’t understand WHAT was going
on during that portion of the meeting.
Look at the video, dear readers, for the July 31 meeting, and
watch and see. I'm not jerkin' yer chain on this one.
Go to the 17 minute mark. Councilman Jay Manning begins to explain
to a befuddled Mr. Payne what
![]() |
What are we doing here? Uhhhhh????? |
And then, right after the 17:30 mark, Mr. Payne shows he DOESN’T KNOW WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON.
Here is a brief rundown of what unfolded:
Councilman Jay Manning: Marc, what he’s saying we can take
action now for some number, that when we actually do it, after the budget is passed,
when we set the rate, we can go lower but we can’t go higher.
Mark-E-Marc: So, we’re not setting the rate now? So what are
we doing right now?
Mayor Seffrood: We’re proposing to set the rate—
Mark-E-Marc (the light dawning in his eyes): So we’re PROPOSING
to set the rate.
Interim City Manager Ryan Haverlah: The action that council
is taking tonight is to PROPOSE a rate, as required by state law, so the body -
the city – can provide notice to the public about what rate you are considering
Marc: And you can go lower later. I hope half the public
with me didn’t understand that either.
Mayor Frank: As a gentle warning, we’ve already been zapped
one time on assuming people don’t know. That’s wrong. I get a letter that was quite
poignant, that someone made a comment from the dais, “well, they don’t understand.”
Mark-E-Marc: I hope I wasn’t the only stupid one. Other people
might not understand that either.
There’s ignorance, and then there’s stupidity.
The councilman was partly right – Jay Manning – that by and
We don’t. Many of us do just good enough to balance our own
books, without all the laws and regulations that governments face.
HOWEVER…. Back to the Post Turtle Moment.
Time after time, other members of the council have had to – FROM
THE DAIS – school Marc Payne in things he could have sought understanding on PRIOR
TO A MEETING. Council members can interact with each other in a limited way,
and they also can talk to the interim city manager for clarification.
It’s not just Jay Manning having to explain things to Payne.
Poor Dapper-Dan-Yancey (no tie!). And also Sorry-Charlie Youngs. All three have
had to explain numerous things to this man. On the dais.
I’d say they were schooling
him on what to do and what was going on. And did I imagine I heard some faint chuckles in the audience?????
Because it is humorous. And sad.
There is no shame in NOT HAVING A CLUE when you accept a
position, but Mr. Payne seems to sweat over the details yet neglect the big
I have no confidence in him to make sound decisions if he
cannot come to a basic understanding ON HIS OWN TIME of how things operate.
Yep, Copperas Cove voters elected this post turtle. He’s befuddled.
He is not an “everyman”. His presence on the dais is not “endearing”:
“Awww, look at him, he’s just like one of us, trying to make a difference.”
That’s not the kind of official I want. Not clueless and
His position will be up for reelection in 2020. Take note, y’all.
One more thing: What a week it has been! So much fodder for
the blog, y’all!
I’m going to squeeze in one more post before the weekend is
out, dear readers!
Sometimes, there is a glimmer of hope that SOMEONE is doing
the RIGHT THING. And lately, that glimmer is a great big SHINE.
Curmudgeon out.
(Nearly 21,000 page views since January, y'all!!?? Smoochies, dear readers!)
(Nearly 21,000 page views since January, y'all!!?? Smoochies, dear readers!)
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