Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Flying cars and post turtles, oh my!

Evidently Copperas Cove city councilman Marc Payne believes that in 20 years or so, we’ll have flying cars. Any type of median along Business 190 or elsewhere would be a moot point.

Here’s a photo submitted by a reader.

Of COURSE Curmudgeon knows Mr. Payne was joking when he said this at the August 7 City council workshop. I think the audience knows this too. But, it’s worth noting and having a chuckle over. At least a post turtle can be good for humor.

So what’s new in the CC?

We’ll have to wait until October 2nd to see if the Business 190 median project is a no or a go.
Curmudgeon has already weighed in on the project here:

(and here’s a little post about downtown, just for fun:

Of course, the whole idea of trees on the median has gone away, and people seem to get that part now.

It boggles the brain, though, that so much of the public is ill informed about what goes on in our fair city.

Why would this be the case?

Simple. We don’t look for things until they are already happening. Life is busy enough without keeping up with city busy-ness. Etc. Facebook friends and local outrage-ers will always be willing to provide the most dubious of information.

It amazes Curmudgeon how few people will take the time to go to the source, aka city council agendas, with most people asking friends and Facebook and who knows what or who else.

Anyway, this week is the first public hearing on the tax rate. Seems to be quiet otherwise. 

Curmudgeon will check in on the election forecast later this week, maybe Friday.

Duck if you see a flying car!

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