The reports of my demise are greatly exaggerated.
Or, dear readers, it’s almost election time!
Yes, it is I once again. Not that I matter, but what matters is information for you, dear readers.
Here we are again on the brink of Copperas Cove elections.
We shall see if the keyboard warriors will man or woman or
person up and put some power behind their typing.
Filing is now open for THREE positions on the Copperas Cove
city council.
What does this mean?
If you want to run for office, you have to submit an application.
This is a State law, not city rules.
But – and this is a big BUT - there are a few things you should know, if you want to show up and show out and get the votes in. and WIN.
WHY do we always hear about the “good old boys club” the
“good old boys club”?
Well, they show up.
And, they have supporters. A lot of them.
This year is NOT a big election year. Last year was a presidential election, this year is not a midterm election, and there is no Congress or State election for our area this November.
And, no vote on the city animal shelter in November.
It’s a no man’s and no woman’s land of election.
My early prediction is that voter turnout will be low, less than 1,000.
BUT, if you want to run for office, after submitting an application, you need one thing besides VOTERS and that is The MONEY!
Seriously, dear readers and would-be candidates, do not think that simply creating a Facebook account for your campaign will help you get votes. Even if you pay for a few Facebook ads.
There is no guarantee.
I’m going to give you a rundown now of what you need and why:
You need to file the application.
You need moolah. Time to check the cushions and ask your
friends. It costs money for advertising, for signs, etc. You also need to file
reports with the secretary of state’s office. See what happened to Sorry
Charlie Youngs when he didn’t. Ouch. A $500 fine!!!
You need a presence. Who are you and how do you relate to
people? People vote with emotions and if you don’t connect with people they’re
not going to show up. Connect with people.
Know your stuff and be willing to learn what you don’t know.
Do you know how municipalities work? What about the city budget? Educate
yourself because you will get questions.
Get yourself a platform. What are the city causes you think
need to be addressed? Try to phrase it without sounding like an a-hole. Because,
if you do sound like an arse and expect to get votes, you will eventually be
working with city department heads of the very departments that you’ve been
spending time badmouthing. City employees vote, too.
And by platform, make it something more than “Fathom
See #3. If you need to host meet and greets every 2 weeks,
meet people, meet people, meet people. “Unknowns” have won in the past, and
it’s because they had people backing them and knew people. Who in turn, will
tell other people who they like and will vote for.
Positions up for election:
Place 1 (currently occupied by Joann Courtland, who is
completing her first full term of office. If she gets elected again in
November, she’s term limited and cannot run again.
NOT part of the “OLD GUARD”.
Place 2 (currently occupied by Fred Chavez, also completing
his first full term of office. Side note: He is also a past Copperas Cove
Economic Development Corporation board member and has been back in the saddle
again for the past three years as a councilmember.
Mayor (currently occupied by Bradi Diaz. This is not her first rodeo as mayor but she also won last time to fill the space left after Mayor Seffrood passed away).
Dapper Dan has already said he is going to run for mayor
I believe the Mayor said she's not running again.