Monday, July 30, 2018

Post turtles

Howdy, dear readers! Have you heard the one about the post turtle?

The story goes that sometimes in the country, you’ll come upon a turtle perched atop a post.
Here's to the Post Turtles on the CC city council!

There are several things you should know about said post turtle:

  • ·         He doesn’t belong up there
  • ·         He didn’t get up there by himself
  • ·         He doesn’t have any idea of what to do while he’s up there
  • ·         He’s elevated beyond his ability to function
  • ·         And you wonder who could have thought it was a good idea in the first place.

Yep, dear readers, we’ve got at least a duo of post turtles who’ve ended up perched on the Copperas Cove city council dais. That’s if you go by the property tax rate workshop this past Thursday.
Curmudgeon has been scrambling to get this written, but it’s summertime and there’s been so much to do in Copperas Cove, ya know?

Anyhoo, Curmudgeon doesn’t know quite where to start with Sorry-Charlie Youngs and Mark-E-Marc Payne.

Let’s get to Sorry-Charlie first. Maybe Mark-E-Marc another time, because he’s something to watch on the dais too.

If you will take a moment to watch the video – when it is finally posted - you’ll see Charlie start grandstanding about cutting from the budget, cutting ALL SENIOR DISCOUNTS. Period. As in, no more new senior discounts for ANYBODY. NOT NO-HOW. (Lucky for him, he’s already getting a discount. But that’s beside the point.)

Where his Post-Turtleness comes into play is the fact he started railing about something that had NOTHING to do with the current discussion.

Will the council talk more about keeping the senior discounts? Tune in for the next installment of the Copperas Cove city council on Tuesday, when the council will hear about proposed fee adjustments.

Let’s get back to the discussion at hand. This discussion was about the GENERAL FUND and property tax rates. Do the water, sewer, and solid waste senior discounts affect the GENERAL FUND where it relates to PROPERTY TAXES?


They do NOT.

Water, sewer, and solid waste operations are separate FUNDS from the general fund. They are NOT supported by property taxes. So, any senior discounts for THOSE funds had NOTHING TO DO WITH THE DISCUSSION ON THURSDAY.

Clearly this Post Turtle moment for Charlie Youngs showed how clueless this gentleman is about how the funds operate. But, as Sorry-Charlie is wont to remind everyone, HE HAS BEEN ON COUNCIL BEFORE AND KNOWS STUFF.


This is the same councilman who admitted at the start of a recent meeting that he violated the Texas Open Meetings act by “replying all” to an email sent to him by a citizen – concerning the Business 190 project.

Oh, and the same councilman who couldn’t/didn’t/wouldn’t file the correct election paperwork with the City Secretary’s office, legal documents that needed to be filed correctly per the Texas Secretary of State’s office. So, Sorry-Charlie gets fine $500 by the Texas Ethics Commission.

If you are a newer reader, you can find out more details about this here:

Umm…  Oopsie! And all we got in those instances was an “Oops, my bad!”

If he can’t handle the small things, how, dear readers, can he handle the big things?

I’m just asking!

Peace, love, and Post Turtles, y’all!

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