Thursday, May 31, 2018

Business 190 broo-ha-ha, or: Copperas Cove, city of psychic engineers

A Curmudgeon Quickie.

Today is the public meeting for the Business 190 median project.

Two things to remember as you go into this meeting:

1. The Copperas Cove city council already authorized the
spending of the money for the engineering design. Check the records. This is not a secret. THE $700,000 TO $1,000,000 for median design has ALREADY BEEN SPENT, Y’ALL!!!

That money is gonzo, buh-bye, see ya Felicia – spent!!!  The checks have been written, both literally and figuratively. BSP ain't doin' this for free, y'all.

But now, we have a “new council” which seems to want to renege on the agreements already made back two years ago. One of whom, James I-was-for-it-before-I-was-against-it Pierce Jr., said YES to the funding agreement and is now backpedaling. Maybe it’s because he’s up for reelection.

A million bucks of the city’s money, already gone

Let that sink in, ALL of you squabbling back and forth, roaring about not spending the taxpayers' money.

Uhhh, the money is SPENT. 
Curmudgeon is not lying to you, dear readers. I don’t make any of this stuff up – I just hold up the mirror and turn on the spotlight.

If you read nothing else, please read my prior post about Business 190 and its funding history, in the link below:

Please, for the love of the Sacred Bunny Fest, read the above post.  
Please, also, look at these below. I didn't make this up:

2. Also, evidently, we are ALL PSYCHICS AND HIGHWAY ENGINEERS. 

 We ALL seem to know WHAT will happen if this median is constructed. Wrecks everywhere, death knell for business, mass chaos and traffic. Or, beautiful scenery and walkers and bicyclers galore and pretty shops, a new paradise on the east side!

Curmudgeon believes it will be somewhere in between. So take a deep breath, prophets of doom!!

Curmudgeon waits with bated breath to see what happens.

Lookout TxDOT folks, you’ll be in for a bumpy ride.

And, the council will waffle on. Don't fund the certificates of obligation to include the $1,000,000 for the Business 190 median design, or even kill the project. The money is GONE.

Hopefully this meeting will not be an embarrassment. 

Hopefully, someone will ADDRESS THIS PUBLICLY TO THE COUNCIL DIRECTLY, SINCE THE COUNCIL MEMBERS WHO READ THIS BLOG HAVEN'T BROUGHT UP THIS LITTLE DETAIL. The fact that the city has already paid BSP for the design work, so we're already out the money.

Love me, hate me, share this post!

Peace, love, and bunnies, y'all.

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