Friday, February 16, 2018

We're turning into The Woodlands???!!!

Dear Copperas Cove council,

Curmudgeon here again. One would think the Business 190 median project was going to be an effort to make the east side of Copperas Cove look like The Woodlands – trees everywhere!

That’s if you go by the citizen reaction at the last council meeting on Feb. 6. Except for some members of Keep Copperas Cove Beautiful, an entourage of residents expressed their extreme displeasure with all the "trees" and "grass" supposedly planned for the median.

“They’ll obstruct the view.”

“Who’ll keep up with all that grass?”

“What if trees branches fall in the road?”

Etc. A very grave concern indeed. We all know Mr. Joe Brown is VERY understaffed where grounds keeping crew is concerned. (Again, this is something the council could remedy if it so chooses!! HELLLOOO!) We sure don’t want trees on the median or anything that would obstruct or endanger drivers.

But, dear council, if you look back at the meeting records from City Council along with the Keep Copperas Cove Beautiful, you will see that in 2016,  an ADVANCE FUNDING AGREEMENT PLUS A MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT was approved between the city and TxDOT.

Look at the diagram below, the schematic for part of the median from Constitution to Dewald – paid for with the assistance of (now) $420,000 in state grant funds won by KCCB. This is part of Exhibit A attached to the January 19, 2016 agenda item. No hidden secret papers. 

Where’s the trees? All I see on that schematic are lantanas and crape myrtles.

No trees. Lantanas and crape myrtles are known for their drought tolerance and low maintenance. Something ideal for our area!

From here:

Oh, yes. The purty videos from the engineers that show – wait for it – oceans of green grass in the median and leafy trees.

Gee, thanks. I think engineers are extremely intelligent people, but this video is for the birds. BSP, you are talented and have done great work for our city. But this video? IT’S EXTREMELY MISLEADING. And this video has been shared over. And Over. AND OVER. AGAIN. No wonder people think there are trees coming, and people are losing their minds over it.

When there. WON’T. BE. TREES!!  (Again, look at the paperwork!!)

From Constitution to Dewald St. - no trees. Since this is part of a larger project, consistency will flow with the landscaping through Business 190 & Ave. D intersection, the end of phase 1.

I hate to say it, but we are literal people. We are like 4 year olds. If you show us a video with grass and trees, well, that’s what we believe will be there. But over and over in this discussions on the record, all I can see is talk of drought tolerant, low maintenance pants.Or, I should say LACK of discussion and information from the council. ("Is this a time to speak up during the workshop?") C'mon, speak up. Fix it.

Dear council, again – when will you speak up and correct this misinformation?

Of course, at least one of you has stated – Mr. Charlie Youngs – that he does NOT want the median.
There are some business owners who don’t want the median. I would venture to say Mr. Jay Manning, councilman, owner of a business that operates on Business 190, doesn't want it either. I think he should even recuse himself from voting on this median because of his own personal bias against it!

But for some reason, other cities seem to be doing just fine and flourishing, even with medians. 
Are we soooo special and unique that we as a city will no longer be able to function if there is a median? "That's it, close Copperas Cove down because ain't nobody gittin' anywhere, not no-how!" (Sorry, snark crept out again.)

Mr. Maples who owns Cove Plumbing told the council that Business 190 is still indeed a thoroughfare, especially at peak travel times during the day.

Yet Mr. Camp who owns an insurance agency farther east down the street said his business traffic on Business 190 has gone down due to the bypass.

Which is it, gentlemen? Is it still super-dee-duper busy, or is the bypass killing traffic, and installation of a median will be the death knell for businesses? It can’t be both.

Covites, don’t believe everything you hear in street corner, coffee shop gossip. No trees on the median.

It would be nice if our councilmen would be more vocal about what IS and IS NOT going to be part of this median project. It’s your job to keep us informed during these discussions. Nothing is “set in stone” just yet. One thing obvious for sure: NO TREES.

“Look at the trees, Lizzie! Look at the—” Oh wait.

Peace,  love, and lantanas, y’all.

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