Curmudgeon doesn't like being clairvoyant, but here it is, folks.
No Fall-o-Ween Festival this year, not like it has been.
So apparently, going by what was said at last night's Copperas Cove Chamber of Commerce will SAVE THE DAY where these events are concerned.
Like the above.
And Polar Bear Plunge.
And the Farmers market.
And the Tree Lighting.
And next year's Food Truck Festival?
With what money will the Copperas Cove Chamber of Commerce do this, to support ALL of these events, when obviously according to Sorry-Charlie Youngs they were cut off at the knees and dying, because they haven't applied for hotel occupancy tax funds since 2016 ('exceptin' for Rabbit Fest this year.).
How are they going to SAVE THE DAY to do these events too when for whatever reason they did the other events for which the council approved funding last night - events they've done for three years now! -- with out hotel occupancy tax funding.
I don't get it, y'all.
Better not be any back room negotiations going on with city funds, is all I'm sayin'.
And now a Copperas Cove city employee finds herself with one more event to oversee and run -- the Food Truck Festival -- before she loses her job at the close of business on Sept. 30.
Keepin' it classy, y'all.
More on this later but wanted to get this much out there.
Turn on the spotlight and hold up the mirror in front of Copperas Cove. Not every source of news in Copperas Cove is reliable. "Those who forget history are bound to repeat it"
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
Saturday, August 10, 2019
Here we go, Copperas Cove!!
Tuesday night will be a big evening for the city and its
residents. Many will not know nor care until it is too late.
Fall-o-Ween festival?
Christmas Extravaganza?
Farmer’s market in City Park?
Polar Bear Plunge?
Buh-Bye (after about 15 years!).
Food Truck Fetsival?
All of the above will go away as we know them, Copperas
If we’re lucky, durn lucky, we might see a shade of what these events used
to be. Safe Trick or Treat, Christmas Extravaganza, and Polar Bear Plunge all
existed before the city took on tourism with its 2016-2017 budget. They were
very small, but were something.
Come Tuesday night, it looks as though the Copperas Cove
city council will make all those go away when it will (LIKELY) designate the
Copperas Cove Chamber of Commerce as being the “official” visitors bureau of
the city.
The council will also let one full-time worker, the tourism
director, know they don’t want her to have that job anymore. Who knows what she’ll
be doing in the city, or if the job will be the same wage/salary as she has
now. Maybe she can drive a truck for Solid Waste, but who knows????
If they approve that ordinance, they will ALSO approve GIVING
the Copperas Cove Chamber of Commerce funding for ALL THEIR EVENTS and MONEY TO
Instead of events for our community, more events than the
chamber used to “give” us.
All, for the sacred bunny and the Copperas Cove Chamber of
Curmudgeon does not need to refer the reader to the wildly
humorous and histrionic grandstanding of Copperas Cvoe city councilman Charlie
Youngs, who from the dais made it very clear on Tuesday evening how he feels and how he is using
his position to essentially say “UP YOURS” to five individuals – former City
Manager Andrea Gardner AKA “Darth Vader” – Charlie’s moniker for her; and four
Copperas Cove city councilmen – George Duncan, David Morris, James Pierce Jr,
and Matthew Russell, whom Charlie also claimed “DESTROYED” our city and also “DESTROYED
THE CHAMBER” ----- Um, what about the chamber was destroyed, Charlie?? – and “DESTROYED
THE EDC” – maybe I’ll talk about that another time.
What so HORRIBLE has
happened to the chamber other than them NOT getting big fat checks from the
city to help run their office and bring a handful of running and a couple
bicycle races to the town,
and one large festival in dire need of revamping,
and an open air Christmas market with plenty of plastic toys for kids and
plenty of vendor things we can find anywhere else?
When will the voters of Copperas Cove get tired of Charlie?
One more year, y’all, one more year, and his position will be up for election.
Who knows what nonsense he will be able to do in the next year??
The four horsemen simply asked the chamber to be ACCOUNTABLE
like EVERYONE ELSE getting hotel occupancy tax funding to provide receipts for
what they used those funds. And a former president couldn’t do that.
Not until
she quit the job, they brought in a new president who conducted an extensive
audit --- as required not only by the council BUT required by the chamber’s own
bylaws when a president leaves.
Nothing “bad” was found but it was an interesting sight to
see, I’m sure, what they spend their dollars on.
Here again is what the city wants to use the funding for:
Fall-O-Ween - $11,805
Tree Lighting - $12,550
Polar Bear Plunge - $8,325
Farmer's Market - $3,400
Food Truck Festival - $19,225
City of Copperas Cove Visitors Bureau - $75,147 to fund the
CVB itself to include 1 fulltime staff person to run the office and plan events,
1 part time person for event setup etc.; advertising the city and what it has
to offer; and publishing a quarterly recreation and activities guide.
Here is what the Copperas Cove Chamber of Copperas Cove
wants to use the funding for:
Krist Kindl Markt - $17,400
Jack Rabbit Run - $1,417
- Running event
Rabbit Fest - $18,375
Summer Run to Fun - $1,962
- Running event
Gallop or Trot - $1,499 – Running event
Chamber of Commerce and Visitors Bureau operations, etc. - $106,695
Staff – 2 full time, 1 contract worker. Also for advertising
the city and what it has to offer. A tourism guide.
Remember, dear readers, the chamber is a PRIVATE,
DUES-PAYING organization.
There is nothing wrong with a members-only club.
But we are on the brink of going back to the same-old,
What’s the solution, council?? More on that in a moment.
The Five Hills Art Guild. They have requested $16,000 of hotel
occupancy tax funds for their festival. Have you been, dear readers? The vendors
at that fest pretty much blow away the vendors at Rabbit Fest. No commercial “vendors”
as such. AND – somehow that group is able to put on a two-day festival run by
What will they do if the council does not give them the tiny
slice of the pie they have requested?
Charlie Youngs is a hateful bitter man who is using his
position to be vengeful and vindictive.
He’s a bully, and NO ONE has had the courage to tell him to
shut his pie hole.
He’s like the creepy uncle who comes around at Christmas and
makes people uncomfortable and says things that make the rest of the family
cringe, but NO ONE says anything because they don’t want to “cause drama.”
Cause some drama, council. Why let him be a bully and act as
he has? Call his behavior out on the dais, as he is conducting himself in a
boorish manner.
I've heard it said that my posts are "EMBARASSING" to the city. Well, Charlie Youngs is a HUGE EMBARASSMENT and is continuing to use his position for a special-interest group.
Chambers of Commerce historically help BENEFIT businesses in a city - um, their MEMBER businesses, that is.
It is clear that both Charlie Youngs and councilman Jay Manning want the
chamber to handle all the tourism for
the city. Jay Manning said he was ready to vote too, but wanted to let the
presentations be made after hearing back from the Texas Hotel Lodging Association.
So, what would Curmudgeon do, if Curmudgeon had a seat on
the dais and a vote?
Fund the city events.
(But Don’t let the city pay for a recreation guide with hotel occupancy tax funds).
(But Don’t let the city pay for a recreation guide with hotel occupancy tax funds).
Fund the chamber for Rabbit Fest and Krist Kindl Markt. Don’t
pass out, dear readers. At least give them something for their festivals and a chance to prove people wrong and make them better.
Fund the art guild festival.
And that’s it. It’s late and I have not crunched the numbers
to see if it works and doesn’t dip into the HOT fund balance.
Has anyone checked to see how many of the seated council
members own or work for businesses that are MEMBERS OF THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE?
Of COURSE you will vote for your own organization!
Joann Courtland AKA Dark Horse. Operation Stand Down Central Texas
– chamber member.
Fred Chavez. Longtime chamber sympathizer. Unsure of his
chamber affiliation.
Dapper Dan Yancey – First National Bank VP. Chamber member.
Jay Heartburn Manning – Manning Homes. Chamber member.
Kirby Reverend Lack – Minister and yes, chamber member – I believe.
Marky-E-Marc Payne – unsure of his chamber affiliation.
Sorry-Charlie Youngs – chamber’s biggest fan. 'Nuff said Sure hope former councilman Marty Smith is proudof his behavior.
Should the majority of the seated council recuse
themselves???? Their own organization will benefit financially from the council’s
action to approve funding. But it happens all the time, y’all.
The Copperas Cove city council would do well to remember that
there at least 200 city employees and Curmudgeon would venture to think that
they are ALL registered voters. It’s not a union, but they can share their
voice with their votes.
Tuesday, August 6, 2019
Copperas Cove versus Mega-Bunny!
Cue the music for The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly, y’all!
Coming, to a city council chamber near you – the City of Copperas Cove versus Mega-Bunny!
On one hand, you’ve got the Copperas Cove Chamber of
Commerce, “cut off at the knees” according to Sorry-Charlie Youngs, as it crawls
and stumbles on its stumps, the appendages it has left.
On the other hand, you’ve got the City of Copperas Cove
Tourism Department, busily promoting its festivals and events and sports and
pool stuff.
The $100,000 question is: WHO’S GONNA GET THE FUNDING?
What funding, you ask, dear readers?
HOT funding. Hotel occupancy tax
The brass tacks of it is, dear readers, what do residents want?
Here is what the city wants to use the funding for:
Fall-O-Ween - $11,805
Tree Lighting - $12,550
Polar Bear Plunge - $8,325
Farmer's Market - $3,400
Food Truck Festival - $19,225
City of Copperas Cove Visitors Bureau - $75,147 to fund the
CVB itself
Staff: 1 full time (to run the office and plan events), 1
part time (for event setup etc.); to advertise the city and what it has to offer;
quarterly recreation and activities guide.
Here is what the Copperas Cove Chamber of Copperas Cove wants
to use the funding for:
Krist Kindl Markt - $17,400
Jack Rabbit Run - $1,417
- Running event
Rabbit Fest - $18,375
Summer Run to Fun - $1,962 - Running event
Gallop or Trot - $1,499 – Running event
Chamber of Commerce and Visitors Bureau operations, etc. - $106,695
Staff – 2 full time, 1 contract worker. Also for advertising
the city and what it has to offer. A tourism guide.
Lemme shock you, dear readers, by taking hard look at the
City’s proposed activities, first. Good things and things that could be better.
GOOD things for the community – Ever since the City of
Copperas Cove established its visitors bureau, it has expanded its current
events and added to them for the benefit of the community. That’s a plus for
BUT are any of these events that put “heads in beds” and
bring people to Copperas Cove?
Not necessarily. Although, the Farmer’s Market will bring people
to it. There are plenty of people who go to Killeen and Harker Heights for
their farmer’s markets. Also, people will come to Copperas Cove for a food
truck festival, if they go to the same in other communities. So, not heads in beds
– who would come overnight to go to a farmer’s market or overnight to go to a
food truck festival?
The city has used funds for recreation guides, which are
very nice to inform people of the recreational activities and festivals. But,
will children’s sports activities bring people to the city for tourism? Other
cities also have their programs, some of which are cheaper than Copperas Cove’s.
While the city’s programs have contributed to the overall
quality of life in Copperas Cove, Curmudgeon does not believe these programs
have increased tourism.
I would tend to agree with the current chamber president
that likely not very many people say, “Oh, I’m going to Copperas Cove for
vacation,” or something like that.
Now, for the Copperas Cove Chamber of Commerce events.
More of the same old, same old. They divvied up their
funding requests like the city did and we can actually see this time around
what they plan to spend the HOT funds on. The city council can ask to see
receipts and how the money was spent – just like everyone else. So that is a improvement!
But these are the SAME events the chamber has always put on –
and continued to put on since 2016 without ANY funding!!!!
What do they plan to do now? Same activities.
I swear, if I see one more plastic lightup sword or thingie
like it at Krist Kindl Markt --- !!!!
The chamber already improved Krist Kindl Markt on their own
without funds from the city.
So why do they want it now??????
What do they plan to do to improve things??????
Again, the lion’s share of the HOT funding the chamber is
asking for is for its employee salaries where it concerns tourism events.
That’s a snazzy approach, y’all!!
The Copperas Cove chamber be like:
“Let’s do some tourism events and get the CITY to pay for a
chunk of the events through hotel occupancy tax funds!!!”
“Let’s make the events the SAME!!”
Let me remind you of how much money the chamber used to
receive and now wants to have again, to continue doing what it has “always
At one point during its heyday, the Copperas Cove Chamber of
Commerce received nearly $200,000 in hotel occupancy tax funding!!!!!!! For pretty
much the same events – see back in 2011 when they received almost $200,000 in
funding!!!! See here, y’all. I’m not yankin’ yer chain on this.
Mind you, dear readers, the chamber is a PRIVATE,
DUES-PAYING organization.
There is nothing wrong with a members-only club.
But we are on the brink of going back to the same-old, same-old.
What’s the solution, council??
Your Sorry-Charlie Place 7 councilman has made it clear from
the very beginning that he was ON THE COUNCIL TO SUPPORT THE CHAMBER because it
was “DESTROYED!” His word, not Curmudgeon’s.
How then, has the chamber managed to function for three
years after being DESTROYED??
Seems like they are still alive and well, and are continuing
the battle with the city that has been ongoing for years.
For cryin’ out loud, neither the city nor the chamber would
budge on NOT having a TREE LIGHTING on the same night!! Why would we divide our
time between two events, taking away from them both? You will remember the
kerfuffle over Krist Kindl Markt versus the City’s Christmas Extravaganza on
the same evening. Nobody would budge.
And yet Sorry-Charlie who promised the chamber they would
all “TAKE THE CITY BACK” will likely get his way.
Let’s hope someone has the spinal and intestinal fortitude to
not take some of this event funding away from the city.
Who’s gonna lose in the end?
Who will be the REAL losers????
Residents who want activities for families and yet two
powers-that-be can’t get it in gear and cooperate over a simple one-night festival, that's who will lose out.
That, dear readers, would have been an easy fix with the CITIZENS’
What a fine kettle of fish! Because the city has already factored its tourism department into the budget, that will be undone, and two employees will be LAID OFF so the city can fund the chamber.
We’ll see, come August 13. It may have already been decided
at tonight’s meeting if the chamber “gets tourism back”. (Yawn)
Peace, love, and bunnies, y’all!
P.S.: I am busy and overdue on some posts - but there's the election with TWO incumbents without opposing candidates. TWO. Dapper-Dan, who likes to skate around the city charter and work behind the scenes as long as no one knows! And Manning, who has had heartburn over the civic center fees because of the poor, picked-on chamber who couldn't afford to rent it anymore (remember, dues-paying club, y'all!) Anyhoo. Filing for office ends in TWO WEEKS!
Monday, July 29, 2019
Water for yer shower, water for yer potty, money for the shopping center, money for a rainy day
Happy almost-August, dear readers!
So if you have noticed, the city of Copperas Cove is recommended
a 1 percent increase for water and sewer rates for the upcoming year.
Plus a 5.5 percent increase in solid waste rates for $1 per
This will be discussed by the council on Tuesday evening.
We were warned, back when She-who-shall-not-be-named was
city manager, that because the council did not approve any utility rate hikes
for years, there was some catchup to be made. Water costs more. The city buys
its water, dear readers. There’s no magic well that the city draws from and
sells the water. It ain’t free. So the city turns around and sells it to us customers.
Plus, after we potty and shower, the city takes that water and treats it. It’s
got to go somewhere y’all, and not in the ground because that’s just nasty and
gross. So it costs to treat the water. That all makes sense.
But, if *I* were on city council – and I’m not – I’d
recommend NOT raising rates this coming year. Not a’tall.
Let’s talk about the fund, as taken from the actual 280-page
proposed city budget itself:
“Total expenses are estimated at $13,889,410, which is
$26,535 less than the amount projected for the fiscal year 2018-2019. The Water
& Sewer Fund realized a decrease in debt service requirements in fiscal
year 2019-2020 as anticipated by the debt service schedule, estimates a 6%
increase in the cost for water purchases, and the repair or replacement of
vital equipment in operation facilities.”
Okie dokie. They expect costs of water to go up 6%. Not
something the city can control.
Before we look at the numbers, let me ask you this: How many
of us have 90 days of household expenses saved up in case of disaster or need?
Nope, I didn’t think many of us do.
Welp, those city funds have “fund balances” of at least 90 days
of operating expenses. It’s a rainy day fund, or emergencies, or whatever. Back
sometime ago, the city council itself approved an “ideal fund balance policy.”
Basically, the city manager MUST or IDEALLY keep at least 90
days of expenses in that fund. If the apocalypse happens, or whatever, we will
still be able to keep operations going. Maybe not the apocalypse, but you get
the idea. You just never know. But a city manager should adhere to the policies
his bosses – the city councilmembers – have asked him to adhere to. Or, he
could be fired.
Dear readers, let’s look at the fund balances for Water &
Sewer, and Solid Waste, as taken from the proposed budget for the next fiscal
year itself:
Okay. Look at the funds. Look at the fund balances.
Presently, the city’s Water & Sewer fund is $201,189 OVER the ideal fund
balance. Also, the Solid Wate fund is $1,604,535 OVER the ideal fund balance.
That’s OVER. In excess of.
Those funds already have $2,464,549 in Water/Sewer, and $2,678,691
in the Solid Waste fund. Waiting to be used. If needed. Like a disaster or something.
Now….getting back to my “if I were on council” statement.
Dear readers, dear council members (some of whom read and
scowl at this blog and perhaps curse me silently or not-so-silently), the
funding of FATHOM has been a general clusterf*** of three years now. We still
hear the problems popping up. Things weren’t GREAT under the old system, but at
least you knew it was local.
Anyhoo, the more PRUDENT action this year for those funds
Think of YOUR customers, dear city council. You are
customers, too. We elected you to keep OUR interests in mind. Now, granted,
some of our interests are nice, but aren’t things that are for the good of all.
Curmudgeon believes the council should take a step back and
instruct our city manager to use some of that fund balance INSTEAD OF raising
rates. Make it a goodwill gesture to your customers. It is sad that most people
equate ANY rate increases with feeding the coffers of FATHOM, but factoring
FATHOM into the budget as it is now, STILL leaves us with a healthy fund
Is a couple hundred grand more THIS year going to change
Are you going to fire someone if the balance dips slightly
below “ideal?”
Well, since the council doesn’t follow its policies
regarding conduct anyway, as evidenced by past actions of the council without
nary anything but a “my bad” from Sorry-Charlie for violating Texas Ethics Commission
Just sayin.
I remind my dear readers of the THREE MILLION DOLLAR LOAN the
the section of the shopping center where we now enjoy places like McAlister’s,
etc., on down the line to Burke’s outlet.
It was perfectly legal for them to do
so, but it is interesting at how robust a fund is that seeks an increase in
Endeavor should be paying us back, I believe, on that loan.
Sooooo, tell me about that rate increase again, dear council!
Curmudgeon will be all ears about the upcoming discussion
this week.
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